Friendship in Preschool Period

Friendship in Preschool Period

Friendship skills are one of the social competencies that people need to acquire. For preschool children, friendship is limited to being side by side or playing together.

Friendship generally includes attitudes and behaviors such as love, respect, attachment, tolerance, responsibility, relationship-building skills, initiating conversations, listening, assertiveness, initiating effective and appropriate communication, responding to interaction and communication, getting along, giving, sharing, helping (helping friends and asking friends for help when needed), respecting the rights of others, defending one's own rights, compromise, and paying attention to social justice. 

It also covers recognizing emotions, understanding the emotions of others, being sensitive to emotions (empathy), expressing love, taking care not to conflict with others. Basically, friendship skills are acquired through learning and education.

Friendship relations in preschool children develop as follows:


  • They start to develop a social personality. 
  • They join small groups of friends. 
  • They play simple cooperative and coordinated games. 
  • They start to share toys. 
  • Participate in their friends' games.

4 and 5 YEARS:

  • More mature than 3-year-olds, they usually choose friends of their own gender. 
  • They both influence their friends and are influenced by their friends' behavior.
  • They usually want to do what their friends do. 
  • They learn to enjoy friendship, giving, sharing, cooperation, coordination and waiting in games. 
  • They play group games and follow the rules in these games. 
  • They show a friendly approach.

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